Apr 13, 2012


What is up with this Ice cream bar? I don't get the hype over it, had one yesterday and was not impressed. In fact, I bought 3 flavors to prove a point! (oh god, how ironic did that sound? LOL.)

I tried the Dark Chocolate one, I'd say it was a bit bitter... didn't like it. Hubby went for the Classic one and afterwards said, "hmmm..it's okay...I've had better." Definitely were not thrilled. Truthfully, I might even prefer Turkey Hill's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough over this! :P

Also, not to be bragging or anything but I guess we both have high standards when it comes to ice creams. We lived in Italy for almost 3 years therefore you can just imagine how our ice cream palettes are like. I just can't shake my forever longing for Italian gelato, specifically pistacchio (pronounced as Pis-Ta-Ki-Yo) - believe me, I've been corrected more than once by the locals but they said it kinda nicely so I didn't feel bad. :-)

Back to Magnum, for those who haven't tried it don't waste your money, buy a skinny cow or perhaps an Asian counterpart instead, I swear those are a lot better! ROFL. Seriously though, do not listen to me. HAHAHA. I mean, it's your money, go for it! Heck, even Rachel Bilson had one! ;-) Like I said they are not half bad, it's just that I've really had better ones.

So, have you tried one of these already? How was it? Let me know if you liked it...or not. LOL.


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