Aug 7, 2012

Garnier Skin Renew Miracle Skin Perfector B.B. Cream

Yeah, I have been MIA for the past few months because of house hunting! OMG, the whole experience is a mixture of excitement, stress, excitement again, then frustration, and finally, Happiness! I guess you can never get everything on your must-have list - not unless you're a millionaire!

Okay, enough about house hunting, let's move on with the real reason you are here..... 
Skin Renew Miracle Skin Perfector B.B. Cream by Garnier

For a quick intro about BB Creams go to my first post.

    Has a pleasant fragrance
    Evens out skin
    Can be found anywhere!
    Less than US$15
    Tube has 75ml worth of product

     Greasy (for those who have oily or combo skin)
     Same as any other BB Cream, only two color options: Light/Medium and Medium/Deep
     (I find that Light/Medium to be 2 shades lighter than my skin tone)
     Not meant to be a primer because it can get super oily and may break you up

 I like this BB cream, but I still prefer my skin79! Next, I will do a review on Maybelline's and L'oreal's BB Creams. 

Let me know how you guys find this product and if you have tried other BB Creams from western brands! xxx